Now we move on to money. Of course, money is not any "measure of labor". These are fairy tales for idiots. Otherwise you would live like a lord. Or maybe you don’t work much enough? Unfortunately, money is just a tool to hold all of us in slavery. We are all slaves. Slaves of money. More precisely, we are slaves of those, who print money. They are our masters.
In fact, nothing has changed at all during all these centuries on Earth. We have been living so far in the slave-owning system, which has undergone merely external transformations. Everything has become just more civilized and sophisticated. If anciently slaves had real shackles — rusty and steel, then today they are merely invisible, though they still exist. We don’t seem to have them, and can go wherever we want. There are no shackles, we are supposedly free! However, things are different. It is money that is our shackles in the modern world.
In practice none of us is free. "Freedom" is an illusion. Money — that's the point! We are really nothing without money. We need a home, clothes, food and cannot live in a cave and even to go hunting, we need money now. It is necessary to have money everywhere! Because everything around us is just for money. You cannot make a single step without it! But where can we find money? Maybe to earn it?
Have you ever wondered that it is immoral to trade yourself? That it is a kind of prostitution to sell your own strengths, brains, time... What is the difference from trading your own body? Well, but you will object that people have to work. If everybody would stop doing his job, what’s going to happen then?! We will resettle in the cave again, won’t we?
That’s ridiculous. The same "convincing" arguments could be heard for sure in the slave society, when the slaveholders had been trying to make understand their slaves, who, for some reason, didn’t want to work for them, and asked different questions. And later, the same arguments the landlords told their serfs clearly and confidently: "After all, if you stop working, what’s going to happen then?! Our society will collapse! And we will die of hunger!!!"
Yes, it is necessary to work, to create something useful for society. Otherwise the society will degrade and die. But firstly, we have to work voluntarily, not for a bowl of soup and not only in order to survive; we have to do what we like!
And secondly, while we are on the subject, once it is necessary to work — it is necessary for everyone. All people are equal, aren’t they? So let everybody work. The situation, when some people earn money (in the mines, at the factory, wasting their effort and health!) while others simply print it (sitting back and sipping an exotic cocktail), is abnormal. Such a situation is not acceptable in principle. And there are no "explanations" and excuses to this state of affairs. Absolutely!
Money is just a paper, candy wrappers, which is not backed by anything tangible and, according to that, money is simply printed unrestrictedly, to anyone's heart's content. And then these candy wrappers are distributed among the slaves (among the likes of us) as "wages for labor". When we are given an extra wrapper (our salary is increased) — we are happy. Are you shocked? Alas, that's our bitter reality.